Jul 10 – 17, 2021
Europe/Istanbul timezone

As a part of the EuroCC project, the National HPC Competence Center is planning to organize a series of computhons. The first of this series will be in July 2021. All the training and final presentations, evaluations, etc. will be online via Zoom. This being said, after the pandemic, we hope to organize face-to-face computhons hopefully in 2021 and 2022.

If you are interested in programming high-performance computing clusters the computhon is a great challenge for you and your team. Here are the details and the current set of rules. 

  • The computhon is open to everyone; so if you are a researcher, a university student, or coming from the industry you are more than welcome to form your team and register from this page. 
  • The teams must have at least two, at most four people. 
  • To implement and test your solutions, you will be given access to TRUBA resources. The organizers will also use the same resources to evaluate the solutions.  
  • Although the solutions can be submitted in any programming language supported by the TRUBA ecosystem, the examples, and the training will be in C++. Hence, having good C/C++ skills is highly advantageous.
  • Registration and HPC resource usage will be free.

The problem for the first computhon will be on graph computations.  A detailed explanation along with sample inputs/outputs, test cases, etc. will be provided on the kick-off day.

  • There will be three categories;
    • Single-node: Parallel computation on multi-core CPUs.
    • Single-node: Parallel computation on multiple GPUs.
    • Multi-node: Distributed computing on multiple nodes + CPUs and GPUs
  • The teams will have 5 days to implement, test, and profile their solutions, which will then be verified and evaluated by the organizers. 
  • The ultimate goal is to be the fastest in each category. No need to say, the results must be correct. Even a single wrong result can make the solution to be disqualified. 
  • A team can submit a solution for all of the categories. 
  • Although your results on the given set of test cases are important, for evaluation, extra test cases, which will not be provided from the beginning, will also be used. 
  • On the last day, each team will do a short presentation on their solutions and answer the questions of the jury members who are the experts from the HPC Competency Center. 
  • Any IP, code, implementation, dissemination rights, etc. developed during the computhon will belong to the team that submitted it. Although not required, it may be better to have an IP agreement among the group members.

These rules are subject to change. The final rules will be given out on the kick-off day of the event. Send your e-mails to kaya@sabanciuniv.edu

Important Dates:

  • July 8th (Thursday, Midnight): The Last Day of Registration
  • July 10th (Saturday): Training Day & Problem Announcement
    • 09:00 – 09:30: EuroCC project & TRUBA
    • 09:30 – 10:00: Problem Definition 
    • 10:00 – 12:00: OpenMP Programming
    • 12:00 – 13:00: Lunch Break
    • 13:00 – 14:45: MPI Programming
    • 15:00 – 17:00: CUDA Programming
    • 17:00 – 17:30: Questions
  • July 15th (Thursday, Midnight): The Last Day of Solution Submission
  • July 17th (Saturday):
    • Presentations & Final Evaluation
    • Announcement of Winners

