Heterogeneous Computing and Domain-Specific Hardware




In order to contribute to the dissemination of HPC among academia and SMEs, weekly seminars have been held online since December 2020. HPC use cases in different areas ranging from modern computing tools such as parallel programming, GPU programming, big data, AI, and machine learning techniques to applied subjects such as computational fluid dynamics and materials modelling are presented in these talks, which helped increase the awareness in this area.

For information about the project, visit our EuroCC web page.

  • Seminars will be held online via Zoom.
  • Please register to the Zoom meeting with your real name/surname.

Click here for the Zoom link.

Webinar ID: 910 8544 1248

Passcode: 818698

NOTE: Please pay attention to the following points during the online seminar event:

  • Please use the Q&A section for your questions and the chat section for your comments.
    • 1
      Heterogeneous Computing and Domain-Specific Hardware

      Specialized hardware accelerators can significantly improve the performance and power efficiency of computing systems. In this presentation, we will focus on domain-specific hardware. We will discuss the reasons for the emerging hardware accelerators in general. Specifically, we will cover an accelerator for graph analytics applications and propose a configurable architecture template that is specifically optimized for iterative vertex-centric graph applications with irregular access patterns and asymmetric convergence. The proposed architecture addresses the limitations of the existing multi-core CPU and GPU architectures for these types of applications. The SystemC-based template we provide can be customized easily for different vertex-centric applications by inserting application-level data structures and functions.

      Speaker: Prof. Özcan Öztürk (Bilkent University)